We are back at you with a third Dialogue Series installment! Continuing our exploration of the PENTECOST season, this 6-week series will focus our attention on the
"Gifts of The Spirit".
What are these gifts? Do I have them? Does everyone have them? Is it possible to have all the gifts of the spirit? Let's discuss and answer together (laypersons and clergy) on ZOOM starting this Sunday July 25th at 7PM EST and every Sunday until August 29th.
Here's some suggested reading to do in preparation for the ZOOM series:
Romans 12:38, I Corinthians 12:8-10, Isaiah 11:1-3. Ephesians 4:7-13
July 25th 2021-August 29th 2021
7PM-8:15PM EST
Join the discussion via computer, IPAD, etc.
ZOOM ID number is: 5428337127
Passcode is: 147292
Join the discussion via PHONE:
Dialing into ZOOM via phone: 646-558-8656
ZOOM ID number is: 5428337127
Passcode is: 147292